With the support, expertise and reliable source of information from like-minded organizations, we have been able to engage policymakers on:

  • The importance of sensible climate solutions
  • Understanding the risks, challenges and opportunities in a net-zero economy
  • The effects of climate change on financial markets
  • Innovative finance mechanisms to unlock investment
  • Nature-based solutions and Conservationism
  • Accelerating emissions reduction through technological solutions
  • The role of clean free trade in human prosperity and technological progress
  • The future of international collaboration

Media Communication

  • Engage with media that supports our positions
  • Develop and distribute content to our supporters

Event Management

Provide a forum for Governments and businesses to share ideas and discuss policy positions, host major events to challenge current thinking and develop new solutions in the areas of waste and water management, sustainable agricultural practices, renewables, EVs and transport electrification, and heavy industry decarbonisation.